The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) was adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2006. It is reaffirms that anybody with any type of disability must enjoy all human rights while also identifying where specific actions or protections need to be taken to make sure that persons with disabilities can enjoy their human rights and what to do in cases where their rights have been violated.

Article 30.5 of the Convention specifies that States must ensure that persons with disabilities are able to participate in leisure and sporting activities on an equal basis. The Convention also contains articles through which the right to sport can be realised (such as the right to education), rights which access to sport can help to realise (such as the rights to health and to habiliation and rehabilitation), and rights which ensure that people with disabilities are safe while they participate in sports (such as the right to freedom from exploitation, violence and abuse).

The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is composed of 18 independent experts from around the world. Their task is to monitor the implementation of the Convention, in particular through receiving and considering the reports on States who have ratified the treaty.

The below tools are designed to encourage States, National Human Right Institutions and civil society to increase their reporting the Committee on sports and provides guidance on how to do so.
